Published on03/31/2022 8:36 am

Are you looking to invest in a heat pump to work in cold weather? If yes, then why don’t you buy Arctic heat pump! This heat pump is engineered with revolutionary heat pump technology. The technology remains unsurpassed in terms of cost and performance. The heat pump works efficiently in cold climates at a half price than a traditional geothermal heat pump.

Read the below discussed benefits and make a decision on the heat pump. 

Maximum energy savings –

The heat pump features with the EVI DC inverter compressors, brushless DC fan motors and PFC control. With all these features, this unit regulates the power output more accurately. It won’t require any starting capacitor as the unit can start and stop gently as well as make adjustments on speeds to accommodate the environment conditions. As a result, the heat pump unit results in 70% less operational costs as compared to other air source heat pumps. 

Accurate temperature control –

The heat pump can change the operational frequency of the

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