Published on 10/30/2018 8:12 am

Heat pumps have been around in Canada and in the USA for over 50 years. But what made their popularity grown so much in the last 10 years? Nova Scotia, Maine, Vermont, New Brunswick, New York seem to the hot spots in North America for heat pump installations.

Perhaps the heat pumps combine a perfect climate and higher than average energy cost? Or perhaps the installers and contractors feel confident that heat pumps in Nova Scotia are better than any other type of heating option?

When a recent heat pump customer in Maine was asked about why he bought a cold weather heat pump, his answer was because the neighbor purchased one of the heat pumps last year. Perhaps it’s the “Jones” effect that people are buying cold weather heat pumps in North Eastern USA more than anywhere else simply because that their neighbors are buying them and it has reached a critical mass?

Under the Efficiency Maine Home Energy saving programs, homeowners installing an air source heat pump are eligible for $500 plus

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Heat Pumps For Cold Climates