Published on 02/21/2019 6:18 am
Hydronic air handlers transfer energy from hydronic boilers and AC units around the house through the centralized ductwork.
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Published on 01/18/2019 6:42 am

In warmer climate conditions, regulating the swimming pool temperature from getting too hot can be a hassle. If the water temperature remains above 30C or 86F, it can be problematic. 

1. First of all, the warm temperature is good for algae and other bacteria growth. 

2. Secondly, the chlorine gas dissipates quickly with warm water and needs a stronger dose. More use of Chlorine results in uncomfortable irritation of skin and eyes. If you leave the pool untreated in warm weather, it will turn into a green mess within no time. Considering a rule of thumb for every 10 degrees F over 80 F, you will need two times more chlorine. 

If this is the case, your solution is the Arctic Pool & Spa Heat Pumps – the Hybrid Heaters that can heat as well as chill the water. It has an automatic temperature function so that you can set the temperature. This means you can maintain the temperature by either cooling if the water exceeds the set point or heating if the water goes down the set point.

However, a

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Published on 12/28/2018 9:37 am

Are you looking for renewable heating options? Then you can consider using air source heat pumps that are one of the best renewable energy options. If you want to reduce the high energy bills for the gas or electric heating system, then switching to an air source heat pump will prove to be worth.

Heat Pumps:

It can be said that a heat pump is used to pump or move heat from one place to another by using a compressor and a circulating structure (of liquid/gas refrigerant). This helps in extracting the heat from outside sources and pumps it inside the building. Powered with renewable energy technology, the heat pumps are one of the most efficient alternative to electric systems, oil and fuel for your heating and cooling solutions.

Air Source Heat Pumps For Cold Climates:

Normally the air source heat pump for cold climate works by transferring the heat (absorbed from the outside air) to the indoor space like your home or office via a durable wet central heating system. This helps in heating

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Published on 12/18/2018 4:55 am

Most homeowners are well-acquainted with the benefits of radiant floor heating and don’t have any idea of radiant floor cooling. It can be a cost effective way for those building a home with hydronic heat.

Radiant cooling system is quiet, dust-free, and efficient and has been used in Europe for decades. According to the studies by Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory in California estimate the energy saving of radiant floor cooling that is over 30% than traditional air cooling.

Using of TS510 Dew Point Sensor

The main myth is that you can’t cool the slab as it will condensate and result in a wet floor. It’s true if there’s not a proper controller in place. If you incorporate a dew point switch like the REESOL TS510 that integrates with MX controller, you can avoid the chance of moisture on the floors ensuring cooling.

In fact, cooling only needs floor temperature of 10 degree difference to make a great impact on the cooling temperature indoors. An average building that runs 66-68F chilled

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Published on 10/30/2018 8:12 am

Heat pumps have been around in Canada and in the USA for over 50 years. But what made their popularity grown so much in the last 10 years? Nova Scotia, Maine, Vermont, New Brunswick, New York seem to the hot spots in North America for heat pump installations.

Perhaps the heat pumps combine a perfect climate and higher than average energy cost? Or perhaps the installers and contractors feel confident that heat pumps in Nova Scotia are better than any other type of heating option?

When a recent heat pump customer in Maine was asked about why he bought a cold weather heat pump, his answer was because the neighbor purchased one of the heat pumps last year. Perhaps it’s the “Jones” effect that people are buying cold weather heat pumps in North Eastern USA more than anywhere else simply because that their neighbors are buying them and it has reached a critical mass?

Under the Efficiency Maine Home Energy saving programs, homeowners installing an air source heat pump are eligible for $500 plus

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Published on 10/08/2018 8:28 am

The Arctic series cold climate heat pumps are the revolutions in the heat pump technology and remain unmatched in terms of affordability and performance. The perfectly engineered cold climate heat pumps are designed to be the most efficient heat pump for cold climates at a price of half of a traditional geothermal heat pump.

Rest assured the Arctic heat pumps are engineered effortlessly without any compromise on quality. They are equipped with industry-best parts like German Wilo Pumps, European Sanhua Valves, Mitsubishi EVI DC inverter compressor, and Chico digital control system. All of them are connected directly into complete weather proof housing.

 The Importance of Arctic Cold Climate Heat Pump 

Integrated heating 

Unlike other heat pumps available on the market, the Arctic heat pump can control your home heating and cooling requirements, from residential hot water, space cooling /heating using hydronic heating loops, and DC inverter fan coils.

They can integrate easily into any hot

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Published on 09/04/2018 7:39 am

Heat pump technology has been commonly adopted in the swimming pool industry for its significant cost savings in the long run. Most pool heat pumps can help you save 70% or more in heating costs. While most hot users often focus on the heating requirements, the Arctic series heat pump is also a chiller whenever required.

When the swimming pool becomes hot, it can cause problems with chemical imbalance and become full of algae quickly, if not monitored properly. Chlorine goes to its gaseous state and evaporates as the temperature of the pool water increases. In the places like California, Arizona, and Florida, the hot summer temperatures can seem difficult for pool owners.

In warm climates, controlling the pool temperature from getting hot can become a hassle. Water temperatures above 30C or 86F can become more problematic. Firstly, the warm temperature can be perfect for algae and bacteria growth. Secondly, the chlorine gasses dissipate quickly for warm water and need stronger doses.

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Published on 07/25/2018 10:50 am

Heat pump systems have the capability of heating as well as cooling. The system utilizes electricity to pump out heat from a cool space to a warm one to move warm air indoors during the winters and vice versa during the summers. So if you are thinking of incorporating heat pumps at your homes but confused in finding the right one, then the following post is just for you!

The heat pump models of today are more efficient and are capable of reducing heating costs by almost 50% when compared to electric furnaces. Following are the different types of heat pumps available today.

Air Source Heat Pump

Air Source Heat Pump

An air source heat pump utilizes outside air as a heat exchange medium. It is the commonly used and inexpensive heat pumps. These function well in moderate climates.

Water Source Heat Pump

A water source heat pump uses water instead of air to dissipate heat. Such a system requires well, lake or any other water source to operate, hence are not used commonly.

Ground Source Heat Pump

Ground source heat

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Published on 06/20/2018 6:54 am

In low altitude countries, people face direct sunlight that leads them unbearable heat. Needless to mention, heat wave creates a number of issues for human body including dehydration. If all these symptoms left untreated, they may cause immature death which no one would like. Apart from them, the greenhouse effect is contributing a lot in order to raise the temperature in the environment. This is not only simmering the situation but also keep people suffering a lot. Constant attempts have been made to lower the heat effect in the body. In the past, there was not any technical advancement, people have to go through several natural processes by which they were able to keep their body unaffected to keep safe from the killer heat. Today, it has a classic solution! Heat pumps are all ready to keep the room or area cool from the high temperature.

Warmth pumps are the cleverest type of electric warming in direct atmospheres and cool a house by gathering the warmth inside the house and

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Published on 04/07/2018 11:47 am

Planning where to set up your air source heat pump(ASHP) is a very important consideration to make the most of it. No doubt, a professional installer can guide you better on this; but we’ve compiled a few things that you should be conscious of when looking to install an air source heat pump.

Ground-level or suspended?

The ASHP unit must be installed on the floor next to the property. This is the ideal place because at first, it’s easier to reach for maintenance or servicing. Secondly, pipework must be kept to a minimum. Where it’s not feasible to fit the pump on the ground, it’s possible to put it in brackets on the wall. Just ensure it isn’t head-height & that you can get access whenever required.

Don’t cover your air source heat pump:

ASHP units mayn’t be the most beautiful of sights, but covering it isn’t a great idea at all. We have noticed many ASHP encased in wooden structures, but according to the experts, it should be open. ASHP suck air through their back and sides, and thrust

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