You might be concerned about climbing energy bills. But, like most homeowners, you are wondering whether there’s an alternative. Switching to the renewable energy source for heating has become paramount for homeowners. Hence, gas and electricity from fossil fuels are just things of the past.
Transitioning to green technology like an air source heat pump is often a no-brainer for those looking for affordable bills and green energy alternatives. However, it’s essential to consider why investing in air source heat pump technology is necessary.
Generally, an air source heat pump works by transferring heat absorbed from the surrounding air to homes or any indoor space. The heat pump works like a refrigerator, absorbing heat and transferring it to another medium. Now switch your focus to the significant reasons behind the investment:
- Low Carbon Footprint
Air source heat pumps have the form of low carbon heating as they utilize surrounding air for heating or cooling your home. Therefore, you can significantly minimize your carbon emissions if switching to an air source heat pump system from a coal- or electricity-based heating system.
For example, an air source heat pump uses only one unit of electricity to produce every three to four units of energy, making the system a better alternative to reduce emissions.
- Cost Saving
You can minimize your energy bills when switching to air source heat pumps. This is because the heat pump system will use surrounding air for your home’s heating and cooling needs. Hence, you will get more significant cost savings than your existing heating system. In addition, though the upfront cost is relatively high, you’ll be eligible to receive a substantial portion of your investment from government incentives and tax benefits.
- Simple Installation
The installation of the heat pump can be done within two days. Installing an air source heat pump is much easier than a ground source heat pump as you don’t need to dig further. If you use the heat pump for residential purposes, typically, it doesn’t require any planning permissions. It’s always recommended to consult with the local authority before you get the process started. The heat pump system is ideal for both retrofits and new builds.
- Low Maintenance
The system requires servicing and maintenance once a year by a professional technician. Though air source heat pumps are low-maintenance systems, there are certain things you can consider to ensure the performance of your heat pump.
The maintenance tasks include cleaning filters, checking system leaks, refrigerant leaves, clearing off leaves and dust from your heat pump, etc. But technical tasks should be done by a certified installer.
- Durability
Air source heat pumps have a long lifespan. All you need to do is to maintain the system properly so that the system can continue working for up to twenty years. With several technological developments, modern heat pumps are working efficiently for up to 25 years before they need replacement.
Bottom Line –
Do you want to learn more about air source heat pumps? Feel free to contact Arctic Heat Pumps at 1-866-800-8123.

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